...not to be confused with Wheezie.
I can't believe I have not written anything since November. I mean, I can believe it, but it's sad that I find myself so unreliable. But I've already told you all about my commitment issues, so the fact that this blog even still exists is a testament to me growing up and changing.
Or something.
I am sick with a horrible cold, for the second time in a span of about three weeks (if that). I managed to get well enough the first time to resemble a living being when visiting my corporate office in Massachusets last week. Then, upon my arrival home, I started the entire miserable cycle again. In my weakened state, I was not able to fend off the germs of a populated office, so I have been spending my day attempting to cover up my extremely nasally voice while talking to clients.
The joys of a sleepy immune system.
In other news, the wedding I attended in Seattle last month was wonderful. It was great to be able to be there for a friend who deserved it. I was happy to play Carmelita* through the whole affair.

There probably won't be a ton of posting this month either, as I am off to L.A. on Monday for a conference.
So this was mostly a pointless post, to let you all know I am alive. And movin' on up...to the east side.
Favorite reference of the day: "It's like the Donner Party here!" Most of my fellow employees were snowed in today, leading one of the higher ups to say the above. I wanted to comment on the disturbing scene that painted if he were to run out of oxen, but then I worried that there might be another Donner Party he was referring to, and left it alone.
Current Mood: I am too out of it to have a mood. I merely exist at this point.
Currently Listening to: The Secret Marriage by Sting
*Carmelita is my former roomies' make believe maid, whom they blame when things aren't tidy...