I took one of those tests that people always put on blogs...which I usually find cheesy. But job search boredom has led to this....
Your Inner European is Irish! |
Sprited and boisterous! You drink everyone under the table. |
Hmmm...considering that in reality, when it comes to being European, I should probably fall under Italian or Spanish, I thought this was kind of funny. Last I checked, I can't drink anyone under a table, or any other piece of furniture. Spirited? Perhaps yes. Boisterous? Sometimes. According to the picture, I also enjoy knee socks and colorful printed skirts.
So since I have now subjected you all to such cheesy blog fare, you also must take the test, to make me feel less loser-y for having posted this nonsense.
Listening to: Delicate (Live in Dublin) by Damien Rice (Yes, coincidently, I am listening to someone Irish singing in Ireland)
Current Mood: wistful
oddly enough i have a penchant for knee socks too. maybe it's because a chat over a beer with friends outweighs my love of seafood. At any rate I've got the luck o' the Irish too. :-)
hmmm...inner European. Why so limited? Why not the whole world?
Anyway...my inner European is Spanish! Very ironic since I am Irish (ok maybe a 1/4, but that appeals to me more than my other "parts") and my wife is half Spanish, yet we are opposite.
Probably why we are married - we found the other part we are missing, or should have.
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