Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New and Improved

In a correspondence I received recently, "hective" was used to describe the person's day. As it sounds like a combination of both hectic and active, I adopted it immediately as it describes my life at the moment.

Guess who is moving?

No, I am not talking about my sister's upcoming move out of my house, although that is quickly approaching, and with it, a big "painting party" at her new place.

I am moving. Yes, I know. I just moved. Ergo the adoption of "hective" into my vocabulary.

The landlord informed us that they decided to put our house up for sale. While we are still living in it. We were given one of two options. 1) Live out our lease, which has another 9 months or so on it, and be subjected to strangers walking through our house to view it on a regular basis, and potentially a new unknown landlord if the place sells OR 2) be released from the lease with no penalty, if we gave a move out date immediately.

We were given this news about a week and a half ago. We went for option 2 and then promptly proceeded to house hunt; online for a couple of days, then in person that Saturday. I fell in love with the first house we visited, and as we left we both agreed that since we both liked it so much, there was no reason to drag out this already tedious process of finding yet another place to live.

We have a move in date of July 15th (although we don't have to officially be out of this place until August 8th) which means I have not a whole lot of time to re-pack everything, research movers, hire movers, clean the house (I am seriously considering "Merry Maids"), and unpack again.

I really hope we stay in this house for a VERY long time.

As for details on the house, it is in a lovely neighborhood - very safe area in the same town I spent a good portion of my childhood. It is a decent midway point between my job and J's job, and it has all of the important shopping areas located near by. Two story but relatively small compared to the house we are in currently, which I am happy about. Smaller means less maintenance, and less furniture needed to fill it. (As a matter of fact, we have to get rid of our big dining room table...again. Anyone in the market for one??) Once we get the keys I will take photos. (And since you all know how long it takes me to take photos and then actually post them, expect to see pics of the new digs sometime this fall.)

Speaking of all things new, I am also driving a new car. I traded in my "Box on Wheels" (Honda Element) for a new Honda Civic. I love it, and it actually turned out to be a better deal to have the new car than my old one.

Also new...my desire to keep things neat and clean. And following through with that desire. (That's right former roomies! Believe it! No more mound of clothes so large you can't find the floor...)

Currently Listening to: Ain't No Other Man by Christina Aguilera
Currently Reading: Nada. So sad.
Current Mood: tired


Anonymous said...

hey roomie. glad you like your new digs... sorry about the actual act of having to get you and your stuff into said digs.

cleaning as a lifestyle... i like it! as you know my style has the same shape as sound waves... tidy... not so tidy... tidy... horrible pit... tidy... you get the picture. :-)

great big hug to you And your honda civic... welcome to the club. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're moving again!! It really does make life hective, doesn't it.

We are moving on Wednesday and still have practically the entire apartment to pack!

amber said...

Eden - I completely understand the cleaning "waves". I am hoping to someday master this ebb and flow.

Seadragon - I know, I can hardly believe it myself. I hope you have more packed than you did when I talked to J the other day. (And I still have packed nothing, so I am doing really well :) )