Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Writer's Block

A good friend recently sent me a gift subscription to "Writer's Digest" (thanks, L!). I finally got around to reading the first issue and found myself motivated to spend some more time on my writing. What motivated me? The fact that it seems that I have the cards stacked against me when it comes to writing something of interest to the public.

Since I have never been a 12 yr old alcoholic, a willing participant in an incestuous affair, or worked in high fashion (take that, Weisberger!), I don't exactly have the real life inspiration that a lot of best selling authors seem to have lately. Not that I am complaining. I am really quite ok with lacking this kind of experience.

I have led a fairly normal life, free of any major drama. Since I have no plans of going down the autobigraphical route, this should not be an issue, but it does beg the question, is it best to only write what you know?

I always believed that this was good writing advice, as you can always be more convincing in your tale if you have first hand experience. At the same time, the story I am currently writing involved experiences that I can't say that I have had, so this would seem to be contradictory to my own belief. However, I think one of the beauties of crafting a tale is to take the elements of "what you know" and present them in a new way. For example, while I am not a huge fan of science fiction, I can appreciate the elements that an author can take from his own life (experiences of fear, statements on world conditions, politics, religion) and present them in a completely foreign environment and/or character, one that he obviously has not experienced firsthand. It allows the writer and reader to explore something familiar in a completely new way.

So is my continued quest to complete my story. I still refer to it as a story rather than a book, as it feels weird to call 20 pages of a notebook a "book".

Currently Listening to: Prenzlauerberg by Beirut (this song also makes me want to write - something about Beirut's music makes me think there should be a story behind it)
Currently Reading: Besides the Writer's Digest?
Current Mood: Hective! :)


Anonymous said...

could Jane Austin have been said to "write what you know"? She died a single woman her late 30s or early 40s. However, she wrote the most captivating characters who had very believable experiences and relationships. Agatha Christie never committed murder (as far as we know). And Douglas Adams did not get picked up by a spaceship.

If every writer was purely autobiographical and had no imagination, where would the world of fiction be?

I think your knack for observing people and your gift for dialog will go a long way. Keep up writing and don't be limited to just your literal life experiences.

amber said...

That's right! You tell 'em! I don't really know who "'em" is...

And on that note, guess what I am doing this evening? Yup. Working on my story. In the midst of some fun dialogue as we speak.

So I better get back to it.