Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fitness Redux (or Retrix?)

Things have been busy...but I need to get back to writing regularly.

Recent events include:

Business trip to South Florida for a week.
Newly unemployed hubby.
Recarpeting the office.
Throwing out the couch (thanks, Elliot)

But the most recent occurence would be my decision (yet again) to lose weight. Yup. Again.

Helping me along in this process are the following:

1. Pro-form XP 110 - I purchased an elliptical trainer. The idea being, if it is right here, in my house, in front of the TV, I WILL work out. And if I instead choose to sit and watch TV, the guilt of being in such close proximity to the machine and not using it will eventually drive me to exercise whether or not I want to. Bonus: Getting up early to work out is a lot easier when you only have to walk downstairs to get the "the gym".

2. Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova - On an evening of hanging out with my sister and brother-in-law, we discovered the fun of a dance pad. We also discovered the sore muscles and burnt calories that result from this fun. So now, I have one in my house. Now, when I am bored, rather than playing a video game that does nothing for my ever expanding posterior, I can sweat it up in my living room to Crystal Method and The Boggles.

3. Google - Is there anything it can't do?? Not only can it find me all sorts of great low calorie ways to eat things I actually like, but it also gives me spreadsheets. Spreadsheets? Yes. I have been too cheap to purchase MS Office for my Mac. But with the advent of Google Docs and Spreadsheets, I can now track my weight loss, calories, measurements, and anything else I can think of. I love me some spreadsheets. (E knows what I'm talking about, don't ya? Now if only I could translate my loss into a relational database....droool)

4. Victoria's Secret Sports Bra - Quality, my friends. That's all I'm gonna say.

5. Rewards for Milestones - I've decided to give myself a reward of some kind when I hit a milestone. I am starting small. When I hit my first five pounds of weight loss, I get to go to the salon and get a new hair cut. I have been dying to get it cut, so I thought this would be a good reward to get me started.

6. Verstand - Yeah. My blog will be a tool. Back in the day, when I started this, and I was attempting to lose weight for my sister's wedding, I found that I was doing good when I was "reporting" the results here. It was some odd feeling of accountability. So I am going to give that a try again.

I am sure there will be more tools that I will be adding - feel free to give your suggestions.

Listening to: Robogirl by The Crystal Method
Current Mood: Other than frustrated with the coughing and sniffling from a fading cold...


Anonymous said...

expr1: IIf([Weight_loss]>[5],"hair_cut","^elipticle_time")

'cause I'm just That Kind of Nerd! :) Hugs to you and you're excellent goals. I'll be checking in, if that's any kind of motivation.


amber said...

That is the coolest comment ever! I love that I have friends that are as nerdy as I am. :)

And yes, you (and everyone else here) checking in will definitely be a motivation

Anonymous said...

accountability...oh yes...
hey--celery sticks dipped in spicy salsa is (seriously) almost a substitute for chips when you want crunchy-hot...
and the occasional krispy kreme is only 'five points!'
have fun!

Human Microbiome Search Engine said...

I just came across this post, and I really like your comments about Google. The internet really gives us some awesome tools to work with.

... if I could only stop eating junk food while sitting at my computer. :(