Monday, May 09, 2005

All Drugged Out

I am home. I know I said I would go to work, but here I am, at home.

Last night very little was accomplished in the way of sleep, so I e-mailed my boss at 3 a.m. to let him know that work wasn't really the best idea ever for me.

He responded: "No problem. Your health is more important."


I am feeling a little better after sleeping in and eating a little. I think the cocktail of Benadryl/Dayquil/Advil/Nyquil that kept me alive this weekend may have actually weakened my body's ability to actually do its job in fighting off this flu. So no more drugs today - only vitamins and clear fluids and things that your mom tells you to take when you are sick.

And sleep. Sweet sleep.

I must be better by end o' the week. Rehearsal dinner, airport runs, and wedding. Too much to do whilst worrying about a runny nose.

Feel free to submit your home remedies.

Listening to: Hello by Evanesence
Current Mood: subdued excitement over the events to come

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