Sunday, May 08, 2005


Still sick.

This bird flu just keeps hanging on. I have progressed from a stuffed up nose to a runny one, though I am not sure if that should be looked upon as positive or negative. Curse you, Bird Flu!!

I will probably go into work, at least for part of the day tomorrow. Seems wrong to miss three days in a row.

Must go now. I have a date with NyQuil.

Listening to: Euphoria (firefly) by Delerium
Current Mood: Awestruck. Looking at appliances on and discovered a washer/dryer all in one machine. It washes AND dries. I don't have to remember to move the clothes from one machine to the other. I am pleased with this...and saddened by the discovery that I must be very lazy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so sorry that you were struck down in your efforts to care for the Sick among you. Hopefully your immune system will kick it by this weekend. (((hugs)))

I've never heard of a washer/dryer in one!... That's the ultimate for somebody as forgetful as me!