Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Misadventures of Thing 1 and Thing 2

Before I was married, I lived with two girls who would have to be, hands down, the best roommates a person can have. I miss them terribly, but we find the time to keep in touch regularly, sometimes through this blog, and sometimes through IM (I do on occasion pick up my phone as well).

Here is conversation we recently had (names have been substituted):

Thing 1 says: hey did you hear about Conan O'brien's elections campaigning?
Thing 1 says: Lolo... send her the link
Thing 1 says: Por Favor.

Amber says: no I did not

Thing 2 says: http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/TV/01/16/finland.election.ap/
Thing 2 says: "Why do I support Tarja Halonen? Because she's got the total package: a dynamic personality, a quick mind, and most importantly -- my good looks," the comedian, whose show is broadcast on cable in Finland, said in a statement to The Associated Press.
Thing 2 says: Makes me happy! =D

Amber says: heehee

Thing 2says: It's a redheaded coup!

Amber says: that is funny
Amber says: she does look like him

Thing 1 says: thought you'd enjoy...

Amber says: I did

Thing 2 says: Oh, gotta tell you something else funny... this came on a chart earlier today.
"When I asked the patient what the year is, she replied, 'Holy Cats! I don't know.' She then guessed, '3000.'"

Amber says: Ha! That is awesome. If my mind ever goes I hope I say clever things like that

Thing 2 says: Me too! Jen, my coworker, is quoting from www.chucknorrisfacts.com right now.... =-----DDD not sure if that's the exact address, if either of you madly clicking on it right now.

Amber says: Can I use this one (but sub my name):The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain.

Thing 1 says: =- - - - - - - -DDDDDDD i"m WEAK

Amber says: I am totally getting a T-shirt that says that - The chief export of Amber is PAIN
Amber says: I think I might get a series of things I export
Amber says: HOTNESS

Thing 2 says: We are hysterically laughing right now.
Thing 2 says: The Chief Export of Thing 2 is Leg Hair.

Amber says: awesome...and also...ew
Amber says: I will get one for [removed to protect the not so innocent] - chief export? Flatulence
Amber says: maybe he can wear it to work on casual friday

Thing 2 says: DUDE....

Amber says: *amber ponders*

Thing 2 says: this is sooo funny.

Amber says: http://customglamgirl.com/subtitletee_page.htm I'll get them made here
Amber says: sweet

Thing 1 says: i come back from answering the phone and then have to nose laugh for five minutes.

Thing 2says: Excellent.

Thing 1 says: it's all coming out as sweat
Thing 1 says: hey... my export!

Amber says: Ha!
Amber says: now we all have a tshirt to make

Thing 2 says: I'm changing mine.........
Thing 2 says: thinking.....
Thing 2 says: shoot....

Thing 1 says: Currently my chief export is marginal advice and nose laughter.

What does this show? (Other than the fact that we are easily amused and can go way off on a tangent...) That great friends are ones that can laugh with you about the silliest things, and who don't have to share your sense of humor, but can definitely appreciate it. It also means that Thing 1 and Thing 2 (one of them HATES Dr. Suess, so it is extra fun to use those names) should really just move here. Got that, ladies? MOVE. HERE.

Dude. Nose laughter is STILL funny. I don't care who you are.

In other news, EDGAR IS DEAD! I can't believe it. Well, actually I can. It's always the fat ones that get killed off in the end. And there is no way that he isn't actually dead. That is what the silent countdown at the end means, folks. Silence = dead.

Currently listening to: God's Comic by Elvis Costello (off one of my FAVORITE albums, Spike)
Current Mood: Hungry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excuse me. I made myself QUITE clear that day that I wished to be called Zorro. Not Thing any number. Sheesh, and if I have to have a number, why am I #2? Answer that!

-- Zorro, riding off on High-Ho Silver, stolen from the Lone Ranger, who was weak anyway