Monday, March 06, 2006

Updates and such

Work has been pretty busy lately, so I have been uninclined to come home and write on the blog. But in the back of my mind I am always thinking, "Man, I didn't write anything on there again today." And then I feel guilty. Leave it to me to come up with hobbies that make me feel guilt for not doing them.

We recently let go of another employee. A new one I had not mentioned here previously. I guess I figured if I did not acknowledge his existence, he would soon go away. Apparently it worked. (*fill in long story of how this person made me want to stab someone/thing on a regular basis here*)

This week I have been working with our newest employee. And since I am writing about it, yes, that means that I would like this one to stay.

So far, this guy has picked up really well on all the work, which is great, since we all have our fair share to do in my office. But, the bonus is that this guy's sense of humor often overlaps with mine. He understood what I meant when I told him that bears were souless creatures. And he did not judge my library of pigeon books. He also was amused (not horrified) when my sister sent an IM to my computer, which he was working at, that simply said, "CRAMP-A-SAURUS REX!!" So this one is definitely a keeper.

In other news, we move into the new house this Sunday, so much spare time has been invested in packing. Packing for me is also an opportunity to determine what junk to throw away, so it's actually a whole process involving piles and cutting off emotional ties to inanimate objects. Fun stuff. The move also means shopping for a refrigerator sometime this week (ooooo....I do so love appliance shopping...) and introducing the cats to yet another traumatic move.

So if you don't hear from me for a little bit, I promise I have a good excuse.

Currently Listening to: people downstairs either moving or killing something (and Better by Plumb)
Current Mood: Excited about the move, and a little weird after coming off a cyclobenzaprine dose

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