Monday, March 27, 2006

Doctors, Doppler, Drugs, and 'Dos

Last week I finally made it to the doctor. It's been about a year since I attempted to enlist the help of a doctor. That failed rather miserably when the doctor decided that I was healthy, based on my age and low blood pressure. This doctor was recommended by a receptionist at my beloved chiropractor's office, but I am pretty sure it was based on proximity more than anything else.

This time, I picked out a doctor based on photo. I know that sounds horrible, but I figure if my doctor looks unhealthy, then chances are, I am not going to trust their advice. So my doctor was this young blond woman who was smiling in her photo.

This woman was very different from the last doctor I went to - she actually listened to me. At the end of the visit, she had prescribed a couple of medications to help with my headaches, ordered several blood tests, ran an EKG, and set me up for an Echocardiogram.

The echocardiogram she ordered included something called color doppler. I was amused that the same technology used in weather reports was going to be used on me. It was kind of cool, even if I didn't know if what I was looking at was good or bad, watching my heart on the monitor.

I won't know the results of of all of the testing until my follow up visit next month. In the meantime, I am taking a daily medication to prevent my headaches. I also have another medication to kill any headaches that do dare to show their face. So far, they only make me a bit sleepy. And so far, I don't have a headache. So we shall see how that continues.

In other news, I am getting my hair done Wednesday. ("Didn't you just dye and cut your hair?" Yes, I did. The key to that being, I did. I don't like what I did, so I am breaking down and going to a professional to fix it.) Perhaps, by then, I will have my camera :).

And on Saturday, Linds and Ian are moving into our house for a couple of months.

Busy we shall be.

Currently Watching: Law and Order: SVU
Current Mood: feeling rather nice, thank you


amber said... many times can I use the word "doctor" in one post?

I blame it on the drugs.

Anonymous said...

the cryptic "we shall see comment" has me wondering. Does she mean, "we shall see if this doctor is a quack"... "we shall see if the hairdresser can work wonders of beauty on my tresses" or "We shall see if Linds and I can live with eachother And our husbands for a couple of months" or "we shall see if I let her go after only a couple of months... this is my dream come true". I continue to ponder.