Sunday, December 11, 2005

Dressing Room Music

I had to take a moment from doing some laundry to let you all know I am dancing around my apartment at the moment.

I am listening to Michale Buble's "It's Time". I purchased it the other day after seeing his Great Performances concert on PBS. (That may have been one of the geekier sentences I have uttered in recent times.)

But seriously, this is happy music. It makes you want to dance around the house. Is it wrong that I love this cd and I am not over 40?

If they piped the first track, "Feeling Good" into dressing rooms, I would be less likely to make stabbing motions at the mirror when trying on jeans. Instead I would dance. And I would think that my dancing looked good. ("Oh, so this music makes you delusional!")

I must get back to my happy and ridiculous dancing.


Anonymous said...

I saw him in concert a few months back, he's great live. Very entertaining! I agree its very happy music!!


amber said...

I remember you telling me that. I am now officially jealous.


Anonymous said...

wanna be jealous s'more? Lori and I saw him last year too. What a hotty with pipes! dang!

amber said...

Gah! I can't believe you went without me. Next time, ignore the 3000 mile distance between us and get me a ticket. I'll find a way to get there.

And yes...he is a cutie. Those Italians always are.